Over the past two years of engagement with local stakeholders, an important thread of connection has emerged revolving around land: the restoration of biodiversity on our bioregional lands; the connections of current stewards to the lands they manage and concern for what their future holds; how land matters to a new generation of prospective land stewards, and their concerns in gaining access to land.
Land Matters is an evolving concept within our portfolio, and addressed by numerous dynamic initiatives. These include a postdoctoral position with BWL SE Ireland and SETU beginning early 2025, using the 4R concept to address biodiversity restoration in our bioregion. This position is linked to creation of a Land Observatory to track long-term land use changes in Ireland (e.g. see land observatory.ie- coming soon!)
We are also undertaking work around generational renewal of farmland, in our bioregion and beyond. Our past experience and extensive consultations inform us that a new approach is needed to ensure a healthy 4 returns path forward for land transitioning between generations. We see the need to more strongly support the social and inspirational returns, in order to enable connections between those looking to step away from farming -but continue contributing their lifetime of knowledge of the land- and those looking to step into their next chapter of nature-friendly farming and land management.
An example of our work within this concept was a succession planning workshop to understand young farmers’ perspectives, see report here.
For more information or to discuss this concept please contact Keeley O’Brien