The Portfolio of Emerging Concepts
Supporting change by creating enabling conditions
After many conversations, walks and workshops, some clear ideas and initiatives began to emerge as having real potential in playing a key part in creating long-term positive change. These have been clustered into different themes or ‘concepts’, some led by a pioneering change-leader with a clear vision, others a more complex collection of ideas and experiments to be tested. Each concept has considered how to create value on all 4 Returns: social, environmental, financial and inspiration. The collection of all these concepts can be considered as a Portfolio of emerging 4R Concepts. These may shift in form with time, some may merge or disappear, others may blossom into exciting innovations that need anchoring in new governance structures of their own.
Most concepts have a ‘concept leader’. Each concept can have a ‘circle’ of stakeholders who would like to join and contribute to developing the concept further. The circles are linked based on the theories of sociocracy. IF you would like to join, a concept circle please get in touch.