About Us
The South East Ireland Bioregion
Building a resilient food system that supports thriving landscapes, seascapes and communities.
In 2022, GIY were part of starting an initiative to establish Bioregional Weaving Labs in ten different European countries. The aim was to explore how we can collectively build new ways of working through what we call a ‘collective impact approach’ and find effective ways of addressing the societal and environmental challenges we face locally, regionally and globally.
Framework and Methodology
Core concepts to the Bioregional Weaving Lab approach – 4 Returns and 3 Zones
These two framing methodologies and tools are core to our approach and have been developed through insights gained through Commonland’s global work to landscape scale restoration.
The BWL story so far
The BWL Collective was born in 2019, and Mick Kelly (Ashoka-fellow, and founder of Grow It Yourself) participated in the beginning of the concept. From this, a BWL Waterford was launched in 2022 (being hosted by GIY). The initiative began with the employment of one weaver (Sarah Prosser) to sense the need and interest for a BWL with local stakeholders.
Get Involved
We welcome and invite citizens of the bioregion to take part in the Bioregional Weaving Labs.
We welcome and invite citizens of the bioregion to take part in the Bioregional Weaving Labs. Come to our gatherings, contribute your insights, work on the portfolio of emerging concepts. As our community grows, our ties and bonds deepen and strengthen. We combine our talents, skills and concerns to create the change that we want to see.
Framework and Methodology
Core concepts to the Bioregional Weaving Lab approach – 4 Returns and 3 Zones
These two framing methodologies and tools are core to our approach and have been developed through insights gained through Commonland’s global work to landscape scale restoration.